Gone Home: A masterpiece in modern mystery

31 08 2013

GoneHomeGone Home, by small indie developer Fullbright Games came out a few weeks ago with little fanfare on Steam.  Until people started playing it- then it seemed you couldn’t look at twitter – at least not if you follow as many gamers and game journalists as I do- without being flooded with links about it.  After a few days of hype, I finally gave in and picked it up for $20.  The best advice I saw was to go into it knowing as little as possible.  I did just that, and could not have been happier with the choice.

If you are one of the people who have not been fortunate enough to pick it up yet- here is what you need to know:  You play as a young woman who has just returned from a year abroad.  You get a ride from the airport to the new house your family moved to while you were gone.  You arrive to find the house empty- a note on the door from your younger sister that only leaves you confused.

It Begins...

Beyond that what you need to know is that this game excels in atmosphere, storytelling, and a kind-of point-and-click adventuring set in 1st person which took me back to one of my first gaming obsessions: Myst.  And like Myst the game’s story twists and turns you around constantly, leaving you feeling much like the characters in the story would.  I wish I could describe the game more, but if you have played it, you know exactly what tone it reaches, and if you haven’t played it… you shouldn’t even know that.  It’s $20 on Steam or at their website if you hate Valve for some silly reason (Still angry about Half Life?).  The game will only take you 2-3 hours to play.  Do it in a single shot next weekend.

Many have said this may be their game of the year.  I don’t know if I am QUITE in that camp, but it would certainly enter the discussion with The Last Of Us, and would give it a damn good run for the money.